Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What a corker of a deal - Day 1 at Bluestone Resort, Wales

I couldn't believe my eyes back in December when I woke up to a Facebook post from Bluestone - the £99 Inclusive deal...  I read with what can only be described as astonishment as to what they were offering:

  • 4 night stay in their 5* accommodation
  • PLUS breakfast for 2 for the full stay
  • PLUS dinner for 2 for the full stay
  • PLUS half a bottle of wine each for the full stay
  • PLUS free entry into the thermal rooms for the full duration

I honestly thought it was too good to be true as I've stayed at Bluestone twice before and would have easily paid £99 for just the accommodation.  I booked anyway and had confirmation of this amazing deal.  And to clarify, it was £99 for the BOTH of us and not a 'per person' price!!! Bargain!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Having my hair pulled & face slapped by a 6ft Spaniard has inspired me to start blogging again!

Firstly, welcome back to those of you who are already subscribed to my blog - it's been a while since I wrote here but as the title suggests I've been inspired.  

Secondly, welcome to all of my visitors.  I'm sure you're expecting something pretty normal from me?  I'll explain. But before I do...apologies to those of you who've seen the title of my blog on one of my social networks and clicked through to discover that my blog is somewhat different to what you may be thinking!!! (Got your attention though didn't it!)